About Us

Norfolk’s First Pop Up Tea Shop

We love tea! I guess that was pretty obvious, huh? (You must like it too, otherwise why are you here?) We also are pretty persnickety about our tea. We are passionate about serving up the best quality leaves steeped to perfection. But more on that later, you wanted to know about us, right?

So how did it all begin? The year was 1773… oops too far. Cut to a little pink house on 17th Street in Norfolk. (You know the one, right?) This is where our love affair with tea began. It was there that we learned the magic of a proper afternoon tea. Since then, we have searched high and low for the best tea shops, and frankly there just aren’t enough of them. Sure, we could fly to London every time we want a proper cuppa, but that gets a bit tiresome. I’m sure you feel the same way. So, we decided to take matters into our own hands and bring our love of quality tea to the people.
It seemed to us that the best way to do that was to go mobile. That’s right, we get around! You can find us popping up at local small businesses, events, and markets, purveying cups and tins of our favourite tea blends and our unique handmade tea gifts. We offer some of the best tasting hand-selected and custom blended teas you can find, and our selection is always changing.
As avid proponents of the health and physiological benefits of tea and other herbal infusions, we would love to help you fall a little deeper in love with tea, too! We are available to provide consultations, beverage service, and/or china rentals for your next special event. We know what it takes to make a proper afternoon tea, and we would love to help make sure yours is bang-on! So whether you’re perusing our goods or in need of our services, our goal is to make the British tradition of quality tea more accessible, because we can’t all take a quick trip across the pond.

“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.”
― Henry James


Tea was never meant to be in a bag. No doubt it’s easy to rip open a tea bag and pop it right in the cup. But who needs all this modern convenience anyway? We like to enjoy tea the way our ancestors did.

Why not set those leaves free?

Tea leaves were meant to unfurl when steeped. They release more complex flavours, giving you the ability to make your tea strong but not bitter. Plus, when you buy loose leaf tea you are getting a higher quality leaf than the dust they put in those bags. (Who knows what’s really in those things!) Loose tea also reduces unneeded waste. Some companies use so much unnecessary packaging on their tea bags, trying to preserve what little flavor they can. Our loose tea stays fresh for a year or more in a sealed tin, no plastic needed. And without all that extra packaging, you can even compost your used tea leaves to fertilise your garden – they make great fertiliser! So to recap, loose leaf tea tastes better, doesn’t get as bitter, and is great for the environment.

Do you need any more reasons? Just join the movement already!